
Методика навчання аудіювання на початковому ступені ЗОШ

1). We are afraid of everybody, but nobody is afraid of us.

2). It is better to go to the river and get drowned.

3). They laughed so much that their lips split.

4. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:

1). We are afraid of dogs, and we run away from them.

2). When the goats saw many hares, they run away.

3). They understood that the goats were afraid of them.

5. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.

1). All the hares met under a big tree.

2). “Oh, yes!” said the other hares.

3). The oldest hare said: “Our life is very unhappy. We are afraid of everybody, but nobody is afraid of us.”

4). “Our life is very unhappy. It is better to go to the river and get drowned.”

5). We are afraid of cats and run away from them.

6). Near the river there were many goats.

7). When the goats saw many hares, they run away.

8). “We are afraid of dogs, and we run away from them. We run away from all the animals. ”

6. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.

7. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.

8. Listen to the text and give the title:

The Dog and His Bone

Listen to the story and say what had happened with Dog’s bone.

Look at this dog! Do you know his name? His name is Noodle. He isn’t big, he is little. He is white, black, brown and gray. He is a nice funny little dog.

Noodle likes Bones very much. One day he goes for a walk and he sees a nice big bone. He wants to take the bone home. He takes the bone and goes home.

Noodle comes up to a river. In the river he sees a dog. That dog has got a bone, too. He wants to have two bones.

Noodle jumps into the river. His bone falls into the river. Noodle looks for his bone, but he can’t find it. Then he looks for the other dog’s bone − he can’t find it.

Now Noodle hasn’t got a bone. Why? I think he is greedy. And what do you think?


A bone

he goes for a walk − він відправився на прогулянку

river − річка

to fall − падати

to look for − шукати

to find − знаходити

greedy − жадний


1. Listen to the pairs of words and repeat after the speaker:

1). He is − he isn’t.

2). Bones − falls.

2. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ − ”if they are different:

1). Look at this dog. / Look at the dog.

2). He isn’t big, he is little. / He is little, he isn’t big.

3). He takes the bone and goes home. / He goes home with the bone.

4). In the river he sees a dog. / He sees a dog at the river.

3. Listen to the sentences and translate them:

1). One day he goes for a walk and he sees a nice big bone.

2). Noodle comes up to a river.

3). Noodle looks for his bone, but he can’t find it.

4. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:

1). One day he goes for a walk and he sees a nice big bone.

2). Noodle looks for his bone, but he can’t find it.

3). Then he looks for the other dog’s bone − he can’t find it.

6. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:

Look at this dog! Do you know his name? His name is Noodle. He isn’t big, he is little. He is white, black, brown and gray. He is a nice funny little dog.

Noodle likes Bones very much. One day he goes for a walk and he sees a nice big bone…

5. Read the sentences and put them in the order they were in the text.

1). His name is Noodle.

2). He takes the bone and goes home.

3). He isn’t big, he is little.

4). He is a nice funny little dog.

5). Noodle likes Bones very much.

6). One day he goes for a walk and he sees a nice big bone.

7). Look at this dog!

8). He wants to take the bone home.

9). He is white, black, brown and gray.

10). Noodle comes up to a river.

11). In the river he sees a dog.

12). That dog has got a bone, too.

13). He wants to have two bones.

6. Make a plan to the text. Divide the text into meaningful parts and entitle them.

7. Retell the text from the point of view of the main character.

8. Listen to the text and give the title:

Jane’s Dream

Listen to the story and say what Jane’s dream was about?

Last night Jane went to bed late. She had a nice dream at night. She and her friend Sam were in the magic country. They came to the gates and saw a nice house behind the gates. There was a beautiful garden round the house. But there was a dog near it. And nobody could enter the garden. Suddenly they saw a cloud in the sky. “I say, Mr. Dog! May I enter your garden?” said Jane. “Yes, you may,” answered the dog. “Thank you,” said Jane and they entered the garden. It became dark. They came to the house. There was an old woman on the stairs of the house. “Good evening, Grandmother,” said Sam. “May we enter your house? It is going to rain.” “Yes, you may. I’ll put you to bed.” Soon Jane and Sam were in beds. In the morning Jane got up and saw her own room.


a nice dream



It became dark



1. Listen to the sentences and put “ + ” if they are identical or “ − ”if they are different:

1. Last night Jane went to bed late. / Last night Jane late went to bed.

2. She had a nice dream at night. / She have a nice dream at night.

3. There was a beautiful garden round the house. / There round the house was a beautiful house.

4. And nobody could enter the garden. / And anybody couldn’t enter the garden.

5. There was an old woman on the stairs of the house. / On the stairs of the house was an old woman.

2. Listen to the sentences and translate them:

1. They came to the gates and saw a nice house behind the gates.

2. She and her friend Sam were in the magic country.

3. There was an old woman on the stairs of the house.

4. “Good evening, Grandmother,” said Sam. “May we enter your house? It is going to rain.”

3. Listen to the sentences and repeat them after the speaker:

1. She and her friend Sam were in the magic country.

2. They came to the gates and saw a nice house behind the gates.

3. Thank you,” said Jane and they entered the garden. It became dark.

4. In the morning Jane got up and saw her own room.

4. Listen to the beginning of the story and predict what this story is about:

Last night Jane went to bed late. She had a nice dream at night. She and her friend Sam were in the magic country. They came to the gates and saw a nice house behind the gates. There was a beautiful garden round the house. But there was a dog near it. And nobody could enter the garden. Suddenly they saw a cloud in the sky.

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