
My favorite Singer – Sting

The much anticipated Brand New Day album was released in autumn 1999 to a mixed reception amongst critics. This is a shame because Brand New Day was a tour-de-force. If Mercury Falling mixed genres, Brand New Day took it a step further - the title track was full of optimism and starting over, a true millennium message. The remarkable, arabesque Desert Rose featured the prince of rai music, Cheb Mami, Fill Her Up crossed country with gospel, Perfect Love…Gone Wrong included French rap, and Big Lie Small World was gentle bossa nova. The difference over Mercury Falling was that the songs were stronger and the music more confident. This was one of Sting’s finest albums.

And what of 2001? The Brand New Day world tour continues throught the summer, as the release continues to Sting's most successful solo album. The inevitable Police-to-reform rumours will no doubt continue to surface periodically, but having survived the last seventeen years and successfully rebuilding their friendships, Sting’s intention of "keeping that legend intact" looks to be pretty secure. Let’s hope so.

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