
Political system of USA

The President now proposes a full legislative program to Congress, although the President, the Cabinet and staff are not, and cannot be, members of Congress. This means that the various bills must be introduced into the House of Representatives or Senate by their members. The President is consequently completely powerless when faced by an uncooperative Congress. Given also the difficulties in ensuring that the laws passed are effectively implemented by the federal bureaucracy, it has been said that the Presidents only real power is the power to persuade.

Legislative branch

The legislative branch of the government is the Congress, which has two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Powers granted to Congress under the Constitution include the power to levy taxes, borrow money, regulate interstate commerce, declare war, seat members, discipline its own membership, and determine its rules of procedure,

With the exception of revenue bills, which must originate in the House of Representatives, legislative bills may be introduced in and amended by either house, a bill – with its amendments – must pass both houses and be signed by the President before it becomes law. The President may veto a bill, but a veto can be overridden by a two-thirds vote of both houses.


«Meet the United States of America»

Автори: О. Ф. Вигран, О. М. Константинова, Л.О. Константинова, І. Л. Крупська, С. І. Теленкова.

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