
228 відповідей на питання з американістики

GOP – the Grand Old Party (the Republican Party)

A GOPster – a member of the Republican Party

112. When were the main political parties formed?

The Democratic Party (1828) evolved from the party of Thomas Jefferson, formed before 1800 (more liberal). South.

The Republican Party was established in the 1854 by Abraham Lincoln and others who opposed the expansion of slavery into new states when being admitted to the Union (more conservative). North.

113. What political party do the current President and Vice-President belong to?

George W. Bush – the President

Dick (Richard) Cheney – the Vice President

114. Comment on the differences between the main political parties in the US?

The Democratic Party (“the party of a small guy”, a Robin Hood’s policy, Communists’ policy):

- liberal

- strong emphasis on the government

- encourage private enterprise

- creating and supporting social programs, help the poor, thus raise the taxes

- reform healthcare system, insurances

- to ban the right to own firearms

- prochoicers – women can choose whether to do abortions or not

The Republican Party (“the party of the rich men”):

- conservative

- not always supporting social programs

- want to cut taxes

- give freedom to businesses

- against reform healthcare system, insurances

- to keep the right to own firearms

- prolifers – against abortions

115. What are the three branches of power in the US government?

The legislative

The executive

The judicial

116. What is the highest legislative body in the US? What is its task?

The Congress is the highest legislative body in the US. Its tasks are:

1) make laws

2) raise money by means of taxes or borrowings

3) make rules for trade with foreign countries and between states

4) set up post offices and federal courts below the US Supreme court

5) organize the Armed Forces

6) declare war

117. What are the names of the lower and upper chambers of the US Congress?

The Senate – the upper house, the House of Representatives – the lower house

118. How many members does each of the two houses of the Congress consist of?

The Senate – 100 members (two from each state)

The House of Representatives – 435 members (the number of state representatives depends on the population of the state; at least one representative)

119. Say a few words about the terms of office of Representatives and Senators and about congressional elections.

The Senators: elected to six-year term, at least 30 years old, a citizen of the US for at least 9 years, a resident of the state, chosen by a majority of voters.

The Representatives: elected to two-year term, at least 25 years old, a citizen of the US for at least 7 years, a resident of the state.

Elections: every even year. The election campaign starts a year before the elections. Number of electors – 538 persons (100 Senators, 435 Representatives, 3 for District of Columbia). The elections are indirect and have two stages:

1) election of electors (“Election Day”): the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November (the date determined by Congress)

2) electors elect: the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December

The “winner-take-all” system: if population of the state gives votes to the candidate of a definite party, he gets 100% votes of the people.

Electors don’t gather together to give their votes. They stay in capital cities of the states they represent and just send their votes to Washington, D.C.

Voters elect electors – Избиратели выбирают выборщиков

Voters – избиратели

Polling stations – избирательные участки

Ballet – бюллетень

Nominee – кандидат

To cast a vote – отдать свой голос

To drop a ballet – кидать бюллетень

A ballet box – урна

Primary elections (primaries) – предварительные выборы (первинні)

Returns of election – результаты выборов

Term of office – срок пребывания на должности

The whole body of electors – the Electoral College (коллегия выборщиков)

120. What way does a Bill have to go through to become an act of law?

Both senators and Representatives can introduce a bill (to put forward, to propose the bill – внести законопроект на рассмотрение).

The bill goes to the committee of the same House:

- is heard (to call a hearing)

- is studied, analyzed, improved

- is amended

- each committee sifts and sorts the bill

- some of them are rejected (to defeat the bill – отклонить законопроект)

- is sent back to the full house without a recommendation or amendment

- some are tabled (на время откладываются)

- after that the bill is voted on where it is introduced

- moved to another house and studied in its committee

- moved to “conference committee”

- moved to the President for approval (the President can veto the bill, then the bill goes back to the Congress which votes on the bill once more. The Congress can overrule/override the President’s veto. In this case the President is obliged to sign the bill

121. Who presides over the House of Representatives?

The Speaker is in charge of the House of Representatives. He always belongs to the party which has the majority of places. (Pency Penny policy)

122. Who presides over the Senate?

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